Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Wedding Bells!!!

Well, many of you have heard me refer to my fiancé on several occasions. In my previous post, I mentioned that my dad is not coming to my wedding in Las Vegas. The fact is that none of my family is coming to my wedding. My parents never expressed any interest. One of my sisters did, but ran into some financial distress just before she was about to book her trip. My other sister is going through some problems right now and I haven’t spoken to her much at all lately.

Nevertheless, I am actually getting married this Thursday at 4:00. We are leaving tomorrow morning bright and early and will spend the day with our friends that are actually going to make the trip. We will be coming back on Saturday and then taking a cruise to Bermuda on Sunday for a week. There will most likely be little chance for me to post anything while I’m gone, so don’t be alarmed at the lack of activity here or comments on any of your blogs. I shall return a happily married man with lots of material I’m sure.

Because I said I would

I was so looking forward to this weekend. No commitments, no pressing errands to run, I was going to be able to do what I wanted to do when I wanted to do it. Then she called. My sister called to remind me that I needed to pick up our father at the airport this weekend at 9:00 since she was going to be out of town. This was primarily her responsibility, since he stays with her when he comes up here.
Just so you get the idea of how much this irked me, I work 3-11 Monday through Friday and my commute is about 40 minutes. Unless I am just totally exhausted, I can never go home and go straight to bed. I have to force myself to go to bed by 1:30. On Fridays, my fiancé and I tend to hang out and have a couple of drinks since we don’t get to spend much time together during the week and that could be a 2:30 or 3:00. Throw in the fact that my Dad and I don’t get along, and never have, that makes getting up at 8:00 on a Saturday a chore that I really just don’t want to do. But of course I did it because I said I would.

My mother says that we don’t get along because we are so much alike. I think it’s because in the ways most important to him, we are nothing alike. My dad is a minister and has been for 27 plus years. Everything in his life revolves around the church. My fiancé and I are getting married in Las Vegas…(more on that later)…and he’s not coming because he doesn’t like Las Vegas and ‘the lifestyle that it promotes’. That’s just the most recent event that fuels our contentious relationship. Needless to say, getting up early on Saturday was not my idea of getting my weekend off to a good start. It was all good though, I got him to my sister’s apartment with no cross words or bloodshed.

So, how was every one else’s weekend?

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Bewilderment Abounds

A while back my friends and I were sitting around talking and after several hours and drinks; the conversation deteriorated into who we all thought was hot. Mind you, there weren’t just guys there, wives and girlfriends were there as well. Cutting to the chase, all of the guys talked about women that either bore some resemblance to the women they married, or at least shared several similar features with their wives. The women on the other hand, picked guys that bore no resemblance whatsoever to their husbands. None. Nada. Zilch. Zippo. Zero. For example, my friend T’s wife is in love with LL Cool J. T is a fat, bald white guy. In the interest of full disclosure my fiancé chimed in with Junior Seau and she once dated a member of the New England Patriots. (That’s another story that I will share soon) And I look nothing like any of them. Has anyone else noticed this phenomenon?

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

I'm the kind of guy who.....

-Loves his fiancé with all his heart.
-Doesn’t tell her as much as he should.
-Likes to go out with friends and have a good time.
-Thinks that spending time with them at home can be just as much fun.
-Made a career change for the money and found that I liked it as much as the previous one.
-Thinks country artists as a whole are more talented than singers/songwriters of any other genre.
-Can’t wait to read the response to that line. J
-Thinks rap was great in the late ’80s to mid 90s and can barely stand to listen to most of it now.
-Thinks music in general was better in the 80’s and 90’s.
-Thinks thunderstorms are cool.
-Works out every day.
-Drinks Tequila without salt or lime.
-Doesn’t believe there is such a thing as a ‘hate crime’.
-Believes that you should never settle.
-Believes that my cell phone is for my convenience, not yours.
-Thinks that gray hair is sexy.
-Thinks that skirts can never be too short and jeans can never be too tight. (I know, I know)
-Will watch a movie I love over and over again.
-Will read a book I love over and over again.
-Believes that pedophiles should be executed.
-Hates to be hung up on.
-Believes in eating healthy, but thinks vegetables taste nasty.
-Thinks that everyone should serve at least 1 year in military service.
-Likes to watch sunrises and sunsets.
-Likes to walk in the rain.
-Would rather treat myself with good Italian food than cookies and ice cream
-Thinks that some of the best movies ever made were ‘chick flicks’.
-Knows the value of a great friend.
-Thinks there are few things more relaxing than listening to jazz in the dark with a cigar and a glass of expensive whiskey.
-Thinks there are few things more stressful than leaving for work an hour early and getting to work a half an hour late.
-Likes autumn in New England.
-Hates winter in New England.
-LOVES summer in Texas.
-Likes to play video games.
-Loves to ride roller coasters.
-Promptly responds when tagged.
-Thinks this was a great tag.

Now you've all been tagged. I'm sure a lot of you have already been tagged by Kate, but if you haven't, now you've been tagged by me!
Leave a comment and let me know either way. I'm looking forward to reading these.