Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Aspirations and Detours

When I was a kid I always wanted to be a writer. Before I settled on my dream of becoming a police officer, I wanted to be a journalist. Teachers had always told me that I had a talent for writing and I enjoyed doing it. I was also a voracious reader. I read everything I could get my hands on up until I finished high school. I still read and still thought about writing, but finding the time was always a challenge. Also by that point I knew I wanted to be in Law Enforcement in some form or another. Once I came to the realization that college wasn't an option right after high school, I decided to go into the military and pursue my goal to be a cop. At 17 you can pretty much be talked into anything and I was. Even though my recruiter told me that there were many LE jobs open, I signed a document saying that they could pretty much place me in any job they saw fit. I was not a happy person pretty much through my entire enlistment.

Eventually, I achieved my goal of becoming a cop. I worked as a housing cop for a few years and eventually got on another small department where I stayed for a few years. Once my law enforcement career was in full swing, I decided that I wanted to be a detective. My efforts to do that were met with some...resistance from the powers that be. Circumstances converged to send me in another direction when my old partner from when I was in housing called me. He had gotten into the technical field during the height of the economic boom in the mid-late nineties. He called me one day to tell me he had just landed his first six-figure salary job. I just happened to get that call after a blowout with my chief and made the decision to change careers. (Just in time for the economic slowdown - Timing is everything isn't it?)

Nevertheless, I am well into my tech career now and loving it. I'm learning how to build websites and write HTML code and all sorts of fun things. A friend of mine sent me a link to this posting on Random Squeegee one day and my foray into the blogsphere was launched.

Another friend of mine and I had been talking about starting a sports website because whenever we would watch sports whether it was with each other or separately, whatever comments we made would invariably be said by the commentators within seconds; often verbatim. That will probably start off as a blog in the very near future as well, so stay tuned sports fans!

It seems that the old cliché about 'coming full circle' applies here. Let's see where this goes....