Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Sarah Palin: Style AND Substance

I have no intention of turning this into a political blog, but this race has gotten me to the point where I feel like I need to express my opinions on the subject. That said, here are my thoughts on tonight’s proceedings.

I just watched Sarah Palin’s speech and came away from it thinking that McCain may have pulled off a brilliant campaign maneuver. He effectively stole the Hussein mantra of change and turned it toward his advantage. I was stunned when McCain selected Sarah Palin as his running mate. Mainly because I was hoping that he was going to pick Romney. Romney was the best choice on paper and the most conservative choice he could make that could galvanize the conservative base of the Republican party.

On the surface, the fact that she's a woman is an obvious departure from the norm in Washington, but if you pay attention, I think you'll find that there's much more there than meets the eye. She’s more conservative than McCain and has easily done as much for McCain’s campaign as Romney would have, maybe more. I’m no political analyst, but that’s the impression that I’m getting. She brilliantly highlighted Obama’s shortcomings; all of which I was already well aware. Especially his tax plan. I will never understand how a candidate can pledge to raise taxes and still get people to support that. It blows my mind. (More on that in a future post) I’m looking forward to see if the media tries to suppress those parts of her speech. Regardless of how that plays out in the next few days, I think that the Hussein campaign took a pretty big hit tonight. Thank God.