Thursday, January 19, 2006

The Hunt Is On!

I love it here in Texas. I have my balcony door open on January 19. Try doing that in Boston at this time of year! (sorry Trina!) So I’m sitting here online trying to find a job. I’ve been getting a few bites and hopefully it will happen within the next week or so. My wife is not having quite as much success. She’s sent out close to 50 resumes but not even a nibble. Life is going to be interesting if neither one of us gets a job any time soon….

So my Dad called me the other day and left a message that he is going to be in San Antonio in February and wants to get together with me and my wife. I’m not sure if I want to do that. He’s been acting like an ass lately with me and my sister. If he had been anyone else treating my sister that way, he would have caught a serious beat down. Not only is he telling people that I’m a liar, but my sister is mentally unstable and under the influence of some sinister sociopath. There are people that would apply that characterization to him, but that’s a story for another time. My sister is the most normal member of my family – aside from me of course. I’m sure my mother is going to try and get us to get together. Right now I’m leaning towards telling him to save his money and stay in SA.


fakies said...

I'm going to set aside my weather jealousy to say I hope you both find jobs soon. I would be way too chicken to move somewhere without being sure I had a job lined up. A little too anal retentive here.

As for family, toxic people just bring everyone else down. Ask yourself if you will feel better or worse after having spent time with him. Remember, life is short - do you want to spend any of it stressed out if you don't have to?

katehopeeden said...

Families suck.
My most commonly used word when refering to either parent is "tolerate".

Chloe said...

I'm an only child and hate my father deeply, so I'm no good advice-wise.

But I sure am glad someone's enjoying nice weather! Good luck to you and your wife with the job hunts.

Earl said...

Trina, toxic is the best word to describe him and I can't be bothered woth spending time with him.

Kate, really I don't think I can even tolerate him.

Chloe, I don't even hate him. I don't feel anything for him.